
Initial Assessment & Treatment

50 min 

For a new or established patient. Entails a detailed history of the presenting complaint, the review of any relevant documentation, and a physical examination of the affected region. Establish a clinical diagnosis, complete a report of findings, and advise the patient on the course of treatment, or referral to another healthcare provider if necessary. Initial treatment included as time permits.

Subsequent Treatment

25 min 

Follow-up appointment, involving a brief history on the progress of the condition being treated, and any continuation of the current treatment plan. For multiple complaints and/or acupuncture treatment choose "Extended Subsequent Treatment".

Extended Subsequent Treatment

45 min 

Follow-up appointment, for patients with complex complaints, multiple body areas requiring treatment or for Acupuncture patients. Involves a brief history on the progress of the condition being treated, and any continuation of the current treatment plan.


To book a treatment at our Goodlife Fitness or CPower Fitness locations in Mississauga, please click the button below.