Dr. Robert Villa

DC  •  FRSC  •  FR  •  FRCms  •  FRA • Acu  •  TPI


Choose Dr. Robert Villa for all of your chiropractic, therapeutic and online body composition coaching needs. Specializing in exercise rehabilitation services, contemporary medical acupuncture, nutrition coaching, and personal training with program design, Dr. Robert Villa is able to provide his patients with complete holistic care.

It’s a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.


Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care involves the diagnosis and treatment of issues in the neuromusculoskeletal system. As full body musculoskeletal experts, chiropractors provide qualified, effective treatment to promote health, alleviate pain, and improve your quality of life.

Neurofunctional Acupuncture

A precise peripheral nerve stimulation technique, in which fine solid needles (acupuncture needles) are inserted into anatomically defined neurofunctional sites, and stimulated manually or with electricity for the therapeutic purpose of modulating abnormal activity of the nervous system and/or the endocrine, exocrine and immune systems, in pain syndromes, functional problems, and any diseases in which these modulatory mechanisms are available.

Certified Functional Range Strength Coach

The application of the seven Internal Strength Input Cycles; each intended to create tissue-specific adaptations. The ability to simultaneously program both internal inputs to cultivate capacity in biological tissues, along with traditional external displays of functional, and specific strength.


Functional Range Release Technique

A comprehensive system of musculoskeletal assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation utilized by leading manual medical practitioners and therapists around the world. Unlike many manual therapy systems which are created based on trial and error and passed down over the years, FR® Release was created out of the most current scientific literature. It therefore represents a cohesive system of manual care using the best evidence, and most effective strategies currently available to assess, diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate musculoskeletal disorders, pain, and movement dysfunction.


Functional Range Conditioning (FRCms)

An advanced, comprehensive system of musculoskeletal assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation. It's a cohesive system of manual care using the best evidence, and most effective strategies currently available to assess, diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate musculoskeletal disorders, pain, and movement dysfunction.


Functional Range Assessment (FRA)

FRA is a measurement based assessment system that provides objective measures of an athlete’s/patient’s movement capacity for each and every articulation (joint).  Then training inputs (FRC®) are able to be directed at the individual’s specific deficits.


Titleist Performance Institute Certified

The foundational concepts behind the Body-Swing Connection™. Evaluation of a player’s physical readiness using TPI’s physical assessment screen and how the results of that assessment are correlated to the player’s swing characteristics. Integration of corrective exercises based on the needs demonstrated through the player’s assessment.

Online Personal Coaching

A personal coaching service that helps you achieve your goals. I want you to become the best version of yourself. Whether you are someone looking to improve their body composition and health, lose fat and become the leanest you’ve ever been, or you’re a physique (Bodybuilding, Bikini, Physique, Figure, etc.) competitor looking to improve for your next show, the benefits of a coach are endless. Individualized nutritional guidance and systems, along with prescribed training programming catered to guide the patient and client to their specific goals.

Exercise Rehabilitation

The process to regain full function following injury, involving restoration of strength, flexibility, endurance and power. It is achieved through various exercises and drills. 

Additional Services

  • Soft Tissue Therapy

  • Spinal Manipulation Therapy

  • Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Techniques & Mobilizations

  • Mobility Training & Program Design

  • Personal Training

  • Sport-Specific Training & Programming

  • Resistance Training Program Design

There are moments when the human body
can overcome things you would never expect.
— Andres Iniesta

Meet Dr. Robert Villa

DC  •  BA Kin (Hons)  •  FR  •  FRCms  •  FRA • Acu  •  PTS


With a focus on manual therapy treatment along with a passion for rehabilitative interventions through movement, Dr. Robert Villa is able to provide his patients with treatment resulting in long-term success. In the short-term, his goals are to alleviate his patients' pain and suffering, and as they progress, there is a shift to more corrective and preventative therapeutics. With Dr. Villa's strong background in kinesiology and human biomechanics, along with his personal training and strength and conditioning expertise, he is fully equipped and able to utilize an individualized approach to managing pain and optimizing performance.


Dr. Robert Villa obtained his BA with honours in Kinesiology graduating with Cum Laude distinction from York University in 2013.  He then obtained his Doctorate of Chiropractic through a grueling and demanding 4-year program from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College graduating in 2017.  In 2016, he attended the world renowned Dr. Alejandro Elorriaga’s Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Program at McMaster University receiving his certification and further improving his treatment arsenal. 

Via his academics, with a focus on human physiology, anatomy, biomechanics and nutrition, along with his athletic background in hockey and soccer, Dr. Villa developed a passion for bodybuilding and strength training.  He has been a certified personal trainer since 2009, and currently still embodies the lifestyle prioritizing his training and nutrition year-round.  His treatment manifests these passions, in line with the most current research, focusing on movement and proper training in order to optimize his patient’s health and injuries.

Take care of your body.
It’s the only place you have to live.
— Jim Rohn


Initial Assessment & Treatment

50 min 

For a new or established patient. Entails a detailed history of the presenting complaint, the review of any relevant documentation, and a physical examination of the affected region. Establish a clinical diagnosis, complete a report of findings, and advise the patient on the course of treatment, or referral to another healthcare provider if necessary. Initial treatment included as time permits.

Subsequent Treatment

25 min 

Follow-up appointment, involving a brief history on the progress of the condition being treated, and any continuation of the current treatment plan. For multiple complaints and/or acupuncture treatment choose "Extended Subsequent Treatment".

Extended Subsequent Treatment

45 min 

Follow-up appointment, for patients with complex complaints, multiple body areas requiring treatment or for Acupuncture patients. Involves a brief history on the progress of the condition being treated, and any continuation of the current treatment plan.


To book a treatment at our Goodlife Fitness or CPower Fitness locations in Mississauga, please click the button below.



Dr. Robert Villa is welcoming new patients to his practice at two locations in the Greater Toronto Area.



Goodlife Fitness - 100 City Centre Dr. Mississauga, ON



2500 Old Carriage Rd, Mississauga, ON